Senior Philanthropic Services Officer at Hamilton Community Foundation - Ontario, Canada - Hamilton, ON, CA
Corporate Secretary | Executive Assistant to the President & CEO
Hamilton Community Foundation's (HCF) mission is to drive positive change by helping people give in a way that has meaning to them and impact in the community, providing grants and financing to charitable organizations and initiatives, and bringing people together to address priority issues that affect Hamiltonians. Last year HCF granted $6.3 million to charities and community leadership across the community. HCF is part of a network of over 191 Canadian community foundations who contribute time, leadership and financial support to initiatives that benefit their community most, based on an intimate understanding of local needs and opportunities. Vision A vibrant, inclusive Hamilton. Mission To drive positive change by connecting people, ideas and resources. For more information, visit our website, like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter @HamCommFdn.