Hospitality Teacher | RTO Manager | MIE Trainer at Ormeau Woods State High School - Ormeau, N/A, au
Located on the corner of Goldmine Road and Minka Lane, Ormeau Woods State High opened in January 2009 with 250 students in Years 8 and 9. In 2012 the first cohort of Year 12 students graduated. In 2015 Year 7's moved into the school as part of the 'Flying Start' initiative. The school accommodates students in Years 7 – 12 and draws most all of its students from the local feeder schools: Norfolk Village, Ormeau and Woongoolba State Schools.Ormeau Woods State High School is developing new and innovative approaches to education. There is extensive use of modern technologies and the latest in software applications. Our ambition is to be a leading Queensland school where students can excel in; academic studies, cultural and creative fields, sporting pursuits and community service. These are referred to in the school as our 'Four Pillars'.The recent School Improvement Unit Report concluded that 'The culture of the school is built upon positive behaviour and engaged learning. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) is fundamental to the drive for and establishment of positive behaviour standards and a learning culture in the school. A clearly documented whole school plan for curriculum delivery is being implemented effectively throughout the school. A strong alignment exists between the overall curriculum delivery plan, term and unit plans, classroom teaching and the regular assessment of student progress in relation to curriculum expectations. There is also strong 'vertical' alignment of the curriculum and which is substantially delivered through digital pedagogy. There is an extensive range of partnerships in place to improve learning opportunities and outcomes for students.'