English: YUVA is a non governmental organization in Turkey which aims to bring together the concepts of adult education, poverty eradication, nature and human rights.YUVA has two main programs, namely Earth Citizenship and Human Development. Various projects are implemented under these programs and supporting non-formal education and life long learning is one of its main missions.As of 2018, more than 700 people, 130 as project staff and 600 as workers in our Cash for Work Program, are employed by YUVA in 6 different cities. Türkçe:YUVA merkezi Türkiye'de olan bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. YUVA yetişkin eğitimi, yoksulluğun ortadan kaldırılması, doğa ve insan hakları kavramlarını bir araya getirmeyi amaçlıyor ve bunun için projeler ve savunuculuk faaliyetleri yürütüyor.