English teacher at Liceo Sorolla School - Pozuelo de Alarcon, Community of Madrid, Spain
secretaria@liceosorolla.es91-351-2345Published Articles: http://ntic.educacion.es/cee/revista/art_tomas_ortiz.htmlVission:To teach students how to learn, right here, right nowMission:Liceo Sorolla, with the slogan "Learning School", defines itself as a "Learning Environment", full of wisdom and values where teachers are facilitators as well as mentors and coaches. Our staff gives credit to new learning techniques and methodologies that ease the intelectual, emotional, social and functional learning process of our students. Our most remarkable strength is that we are ready for change. We believe in innovation and research to improve the quality of education. We are proud to say that, after fife decades successfully teaching over 3.000 students, we have developed our own teaching system. We have a sound bilingual curriculum and a team of well trained profesionals who enable student to accomplish results and excell in those fields were they are best.