Teaching Professional at All Kids Can Learn International, Villages of Hope - Havre de Grace, MD, US
Villages of Hope, AKCLI is an orphan care ministry in Zambia whose greatest priority is to offer long-term Christian care to the children living at the Village of Hope. In order to help guarantee a lifelong impact we have created a model which seeks after economic sustainability. Through the development of medium sized businesses in Zambia the Village of Hope has generated up to 60% percent of operational costs.MISSION: The mission of AKCLI is to rescue and care for orphaned and vulnerable children, seeking economic sustainability, to the Glory of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. VISION: The vision of All Kids Can Learn International is to advance the global effort to provide orphaned and vulnerable children with a new future and renewed hope to the glory of God in Jesus Christ. Our commitment is to freely share the learning and experience gained at Villages of Hope in Zambia to increase the effectiveness of those who share this vision.