Founder and CEO at Accelerbiotics ApS, Inventor and Research Laboratory Technician at Accelerbiotics - Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
Accelerbiotics® was founded April 2019 as spinout from Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark.We at Accelerbiotics® provide affordable high-throughput sustainable solutions for the huge bottlenecks that synthetic biology and biotech industry are suffering from. Our solutions accelerate development in biotechnology and life science field.At Accelerbiotics® we have addressed the huge bottlenecks of low throughput, the high cost and sustainability issues associated with applications of electrophoresis, purification and electrotransfection/electroporation in the biotechnology field.Rising incidence of cancer, infectious diseases, and genetic disorders; recent advances in personalized medicine; growth in funding for research on genomic, proteomic, metabolomics; growing number of industry-academia research collaborations on biosustainability; growing number of biotech sustainable microbial cell factories; and growth in the number of clinical, forensic, and research laboratories are the major factors driving the market growth of the electrophoresis, purification and electrotransfection.In the light of the strong need of new and improved high-throughput sustainable affordable solutions, we have developed the following three technologies and protected them with two patent families:PATENT#1: WO2020079211 A1: Rapid high-throughput electrophoresis platform with online real-time analysis of DNA, RNA, proteins, amino acids and sugars.PATENT#2: WO2020079220 A1: Rapid high-throughput sustainable purification platform for DNA, RNA, proteins, amino acids and sugars. Includes also rapid high-throughput sustainable Electroporation/electrotransfection and intracellular electro-extraction.