Sales and Marketing Manager at GLEBE FARM FOODS LIMITED - Kings Ripton Huntingdon, N/A, UK
Glebe Farm has state-of-the-art facilities delivering 100% gluten-free oats and oat milk to any size operation in UK and EU manufacturing operations - both sustainable and rigorously certified to <5ppm gluten. We have full vertical integration and unrivalled quality from growing to milling and making oat milk. Glebe Farm is a family business with continuous innovation, having developed the first gluten-free oat mill in Europe and, in 2020, the first oat milk plant in UK. We draw on our agricultural, engineering and food processing knowledge and have supplied highest quality, gluten-free flaked oats and oat flour continuously since 2010 to UK and EU brand leaders. Other mills might run batches of clean oats in their standard oat mills. We never do. We are an entirely Gluten-Free only business, BRC AA, M&S suppliers and Soil Association and Bio-Suisse for organic.Glebe doesn't want to just talk sustainability, we want to do it! Our oats and oat milk are produced with the help of 200kW of solar electricity and 2200kW biomass heat from our oat residues, producing the lowest CO2 oat milk at 0.29kg/L. We also have over 150 acres of fallow and nature conservation land.Which is why consumers and manufacturers alike are putting trust in Glebe Farm Foods through selected retail outlets or via our on-line shop.We offer a broad range of oat flakes, flour, granola and oat milk, meeting a growing demand from ingredients for food manufacturing, as well as food service, retail outlets, restaurants and even direct to the consumer. Gluten free is becoming a way of life for a growing number - so whether its a necessity or a lifestyle choice, certified clean oats offer a safe natural gluten free alternative.Visit us on-line to read all about what differentiates Glebe Farm Foods