Critical System Labs (CSL) is a leading expert in the assessment and management of safety and security risk associated with complex hardware/software intensive systems. CSL applies its expertise to complex problems across a variety of technical domains such as automotive, aerospace, defense, energy, marine, medical technologies, nuclear, and rail signaling. We assist clients with a range of activities related to systems assurance and certification, including requirements engineering, systems software design and development, verification and validation, assurance case development, and standards compliance. CSL offers its clients the following unique set of expertise:1. Extensive knowledge of safety and standards. CSL has demonstrated experience working with many international standards, including ISO 26262, IEC 61508, DO-178C, EN 51026/8, ISO 14971. Additionally, CSL has contributed to the development of various international standards including ISO 26262, RTCA DO-178C, RTCA DO-333, RTCA DO-326A, RTCA DO-355 and RTCA DO-356.2. In-depth expertise and experience applying safety, security, and risk analysis techniques, including FMEA, FTA, STPA, attack tree analysis, reliability block diagrams.3. Experience applying advanced verification and validation techniques such as formal (mathematical) methods for complex systems.4. Creation and maintenance of comprehensive safety assurance cases. Including notations/techniques such as Goal Structured Notation (GSN) and Eliminative Argumentation (EA).