MethX is an EPA licensed hazardous waste management business with extensive knowledge in dealing with hazardous materials, specialising in methamphetamines (meth) residue testing, decontamination and restoration. When meth has been made or used within a property the residue can contaminate the walls, ceilings, floors, blinds and all porous materials. The residue can be inhaled by the occupants, and/or absorbed through the skin causing serious illness.KEEPING AUSTRALIANS SAFE AT HOMEWe offer accredited, safe & highly specialised meth residue testing as well as complete property decontamination & restoration services across Queensland and the Northern Territory. WHY TEST FOR METH?The contamination of properties from clandestine meth labs and methamphetamine users is on the rise in Australia where we now have the highest per capita meth use in the English speaking world. Meth residue is invisible and has no smell but exposure can pose serious short and long term health risks to occupants including chronic respiratory issues and behavioural problems in children. Don't put your family or tenants at risk.Meth manufacturing and use in Australia is growing steadily every year, putting lives at risk not just for meth users, but for anyone living in a property, unaware that it may have been contaminated with meth residue by former occupants. As a Landlord or Property Manager you have a duty of care to provide a safe living environment for your tenants. Not only does meth contamination pose serious health risks to occupants, but it can also have a devastating impact on the value of your property. We offer accredited, safe & expert meth residue testing, decontamination & restoration services.Don't put your family, property or tenants at risk.