Chief Executive Officer at Twenty Seven Co. Limited - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Formed in August 2018 initially as a diversified ‘new-energy' focused explorer, Twenty Seven Co. Limited (TSC) has since re-shaped its strategic agenda.After a strategic review in mid-2019, TSC's core focus re-oriented towards the Rover Gold Project in the WA's goldfields. Targeting a 20km strike extent over the Maynard Hills greenstone belt, TSC's inaugural drilling campaign intersected shallow, high-grade gold at the Creasy 1 Prospect. Ongoing soil sampling and geophysical surveys have identified multiple targets for follow up drill-testing moving forward.Subsequently, TSC has expanded its footprint in WA's goldfields with the acquisition of the Mt Dimer – comprising a mining lease and exploration licence – and Yarbu Gold Projects.TSC's experienced management team, headed by CEO Simon Phillips, have a proven track record across the resource value chain from exploration, discovery, development and establishing mining operations.