Co-Fundador & Presidente at Guaviare Soy Foundation - San José del Guaviare, Guaviare, Colombia
— Vision: sustainable Quality of Life!— Mission: empower young men and women thru Sports and Education• Goals:— create an innovative, autonomous and entrepreneurial culture of integrity— create prosperity and opportunities thru Sportsmanship and EducationEDUCATIONAL CONCEPT - - • facilitate lifelong learning to our members as a fundamental integration to our world, our people and our actions • • - reach deep in the hearts and minds of people to nudge the change to a more responsive global culture of love • - flexible to new thoughts, simple to the riches of life • • • - economy and prudent with earth's resources, both human and organic • • attainable and sustainable with the demands on our natural resources • - reducing the need for actions of survivability • - • always ready and on-point with the dynamics of life •SPORTSMANSHIP CONCEPT• • • tip of the spear in our efforts to a sustainable Quality of Life - - - infuse our young and old generations with the motivation to see and palpate the Sweetness of Life - • - - • • • ————Guaviare Soy Foundation: a registered nonprofit organization in Colombia with Tax ID (Numero de Identification Tributaria aka NIT) 900922299-6. It can be verified by the Colombian Government at Registro Unico Empresarial y Social Camaras de Comercio, Confecamaras, Red de Camaras de Comercio.Protect. Preserve. Educate. Empower Our World!Guaviare, Colombia2015 - 2019