Ursula is a leading psychologist, clinical supervisor, trainer, facilitator, guest speaker and creator of the internationally acclaimed Shark Cage Framework. Based in Melbourne, Australia, she has 25 years' experience in the fields of complex trauma, family violence and sexual assault. Ursula is the Victorian Convenor of the Women and Psychology interest group of the Australian Psychological Society. She has spoken and written about issues relating to violence against women and complex trauma in many different forums. Ursula has provided training in the Shark Cage Framework in Australia and internationally to over 2000 professionals. Ursula is the sole provider of training in this inovative trauma informed framework. She has recently written a book for professionals about the Shark Cage Framework that gives step by step guidance on using the 5 steps of the framework in individual and group settings. Ursula is also passionate about providing non-therapeutic professionals with the training and supervision support they need to understand and manage the impacts of working with clients who have complex trauma histories. Ursula is well known for this work in the legal sectors of Victoria, Australia.