Pocket House GmbH is a software development company which researches and provides products and services for residential areas, commercial & public buildings (such as schools) and the city level.How can future residents and service providers organize and support themselves in their houses and neighborhoods by using digital supported methods?How can they use these digital methods to enhance the communication with each other and the property management?How can this be done more transparently and in real time?The Web/ App solution "Pocket House" and the digital processes for property and facility management were developed to answer all of these questions.The features of the basic product "Pocket House" are also used in other "Pocket products" such as offices, quarters, hotels, schools and in communication.Our interdisciplinary team consists of experts in urban planning, software development, project development and design. After a 2-year Smart Cities research project (field studies and focus groups and development), the products were tested in various test phases and test objects. In recent years, the company has become one of the leading Austrian PropTech - companies in the field of digitization of buildings and neighborhoods.In-house programming allows us to implement versatile features and a high level of customization. This flexibility is only one of many reasons which proves that "Pocket House" is one of the most innovative products available today. Furthermore "Pocket House" works intensively with third-party providers in the field of digital access systems, digital parcel boxes and car sharing providers.