Singoji Satish

Mechanical Engineer at KLR Industries Ltd - , Tamil Nadu, India

Singoji Satish's Contact Details
KLR Industries Ltd
Singoji Satish's Company Details
KLR Industries Ltd logo, KLR Industries Ltd contact details

KLR Industries Ltd

, Tamil Nadu, India • 501 - 1000 Employees
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

HISTORY & POSITION TO DATEKLR INDUSTRIES LIMITED, today a well known organization at home and abroad as three letter brand image "KLR", started its journey two and half decades ago in the year of 1985 as a small unit by the name ‘KLR UNIVERSAL' to manufacture button bits, a tool used for water well drilling application, has grown into a prominent player in the field of drilling industry.KLR an ISO 9001- 2000 certified company has state of art, semi automised manufacturing facilities supported by in-house R&D team. The management of the company is supported by a team of young, dedicated, experienced and well qualified managers, engineers and other staff enhancing company's growth in today's competitive environment.KLR has made a name for itself not only in its mother-land but also earned a distinct place in the global market. Considering its growth potential in global markets, KLR set up its second manufacturing facility in Sharjah, Dubai, which is the business hub for many industries. KLR's product range includes drilling equipments for the application of waterwell, mining, piling, geological survey, construction etc.Strategic management is guided by its founder, the most talented, dynamic, chairman and managing director Mr. K. Laxma Reddy. He is the source of light to the industry with his inborn quality as charismatic entrepreneurial spirit. KLR ‘s management and other directors comprising of a group of qualified Engineers, Graduates, Post Graduates and MBA professionals from premier business schools.As a team of skilled professionals, KLR is always keen on technology up gradation, unmatched quality with aggressive pricing and prompt delivery, world class services round the clock. KLR's capability is to produce the equipment as per the customer specifications and requirements to make the customers to choose KLR as their first preference.

Details about KLR Industries Ltd
Frequently Asked Questions about Singoji Satish
Singoji Satish currently works for KLR Industries Ltd.
Singoji Satish's role at KLR Industries Ltd is Mechanical Engineer.
Singoji Satish's email address is *** To view Singoji Satish's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Singoji Satish works in the Mechanical or Industrial Engineering industry.
Singoji Satish's colleagues at KLR Industries Ltd are MD EESA, Kumar Narender, Raghavendra M, Tejaswi Manthatti, RAJA SEKHAR, Murali Koppaka, Vinay Vemula and others.
Singoji Satish's phone number is ["04027126832","919391054812","919849009238","00914027120558","9391052717","914027121828","911412793850","919000571713","919392017837","9542740477","2013775952","914027126833","04027121828","867286518147","04027124406","4027120558","04027127068","4023146090","00914027121828","04027123508","4023146003","914027126832","91407126832","00919394571828","9391052718","04027127065","913322293340/42/43","91/7925324832","919976210047","914023395515","9391054812","0114054990030","9346887000","97455717161","9391669448","07939826432","04027126833","00914027126832","914027120558"]
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