Matlaweng Chego Trading (Pty) Ltd acknowledges a moral, legal and financial responsibility for the safeguarding and wellbeing of all persons who may in any way be affected by the activities of our business. We believe in a clean, hygienic, safe and healthy environment for our employees, customers, clients and suppliers. We will regularly review our policy, practices and performance to ensure ongoing improvement. Matlaweng Chego Trading (Pty) Ltd commits to applying best practice in health and safety management and sets the following objectives:• Adopt high standard against which safety, health and environment performance will be measured.• Comply with all applicable legislation and, where appropriate, institute additional measures to ensure safety, health and environment on our premises.• Identify and assess safety, health and environment hazards, and continue to reduce the risks to reasonable acceptable levels.• Supply relevant information on hazards to all employees, contractors, casuals and customers who are exposed to our activities.• Provide appropriate Occupational Safety, Health and Environment training for employees.