Director/Owner at Dentalinstituttet (Dental Institute) - Langeskov, Region Syddanmark, Denmark
The Dental Institute (Dentalinstituttet) is a privately owned company offering:- Courses for all dental professionals- Dental study trips- Dental litterature - Products for the optimization of dental procedures- Dental recruitment- Management consultancy and M&A consultancy for the dental industryIn brief it can be said, that the Dental Institute is dedicated to communication and sharing knowledge with everyone working with dental health in Denmark!Dentalinstituttet er stiftet i oktober 2018 af Sisse Wellejus Hansen, som er uddannet Cand.negot. (International Forhandler) og som har næsten 20 års erfaring med topledelse, virksomhedsopkøb, efteruddannelse og udvikling af produkter i dentalindustrien.