Sivuyile Bomvana

Pack And Stack Nestle Merchandiser at Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC - , ,

Sivuyile Bomvana's Contact Details
South Africa
Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC
Sivuyile Bomvana's Company Details
Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC logo, Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC contact details

Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC

, , • 11 - 50 Employees

Pack And Stack Storage Solutions L.L.C, was founded by a college student with one goal in mind; to relieve the stress of storage for college students across the country. As a college student I felt the stress of maintaining high grades and remaining involved on campus. The last thing I wanted to do was worry about packing up all my belongings, and then the added stress of finding storage in time. This is something many students face since many higher education institutions do not provide on campus storage opportunities, or help in packing and the supplies that are needed to pack my things. Thus Pack and Stack Storage Solutions L.L.C. was brought to life. I remain committed to storing for students and I have now spread myself out there for families that do not have the time to handle everyday stresses, work, children, life! Therefore, I am now relating to all these new stresses that I felt living in NYC and dealing with my own family issues and finding that extra time that is just never enough, to pack, move, and finding a reasonable price. That was the turning point of becoming such a larger company and taking over some of the demands that everyday life now consumes. Pack and Stack provides everything anyone now can need to store, move, ship or pack, for any of our customers busy students or busy families, that are in need of that extra time, we give that back to them by doing the work for them, taking the stress out of their busy lives and giving back that lost time.

Details about Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Sivuyile Bomvana
Sivuyile Bomvana currently works for Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC.
Sivuyile Bomvana's role at Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC is Pack And Stack Nestle Merchandiser.
Sivuyile Bomvana's email address is *** To view Sivuyile Bomvana's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sivuyile Bomvana works in the Warehousing industry.
Sivuyile Bomvana's colleagues at Pack and Stack Storage Solutions LLC are Adrian Packstack, Bongani Baloyi and others.
Sivuyile Bomvana's phone number is
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