Business Systems Analysis Consultation at Connect Network - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Connect Network is a collaborative network of NPOs and Churches working together with women and children at risk, to see communities transformed in South Africa. Currently we have more than 115 members, who provide services to more than 300,000 children and women in the Western Cape. Our vision to see families thriving and communities transformed. Our goals are: - To develop nurturing and protective environments for children, - To develop opportunities for improved education, and - To develop resourceful and resilient women Our development approach: Connect Network's approach to networking is that of being a affiliate-driven network that acknowledges the value, expertise and contribution of each affiliate in the Network. The Board, Co-ordination team and volunteers aim to serve the Network in reaching its strategic goals. Our developmental approach is people-centred: it is about people, not things. Connect Network recognises that development is not a short-term event, but a long term, drawn out, time-consuming process. Organisations need to focus on those areas where they are having greatest impact and success, which, in practical terms, means finding the right development economic niche where endeavours yield the greatest fruits. In this regard Connect focuses on long term programmes such as building capacity in affiliate organisations. Connect Network believes that sustainable development means growing human capacity, both at organisation and individual levels. As an emerging development agency Connect Network acknowledges that as an organism it must continually adapt to its environment.