é¦å¸ç財顧å at AZ Sinopro Investment Planning Limited / 安睿宏觀證券投資顧問股份有限公司 - , Taipei City, Taiwan
AZ Sinopro Financial Planning is an independent financial advisory platform licensed in financial planning, securities investment consulting and insurance brokerage. We provide comprehensive and quality services that help our clients achieve their lifetime financial goals. With respectively long time experience in the global investment market and the local financial services, the two co-founders of AZ Sinopro, KP Liu and Arthur Chiu, share the same passion in building the financial planning industry in Taiwan. Today AZ Sinopro has more than 20 years experience in the financial planning business, provides on-going services to more than 2,000 clients and has over 100 million USD under advice. AZ Sinopro is a member of Azimut Group. Azimut is a leading asset management company listed in Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana), and is a member of STOXX Europe 600 index and FTSE MIB index. 安睿宏觀理財規劃顧問平台,致力於提供專業、高品質的全方位理財規劃業務。 平台上共有安睿宏觀理財規劃顧問股份有限公司、安睿宏觀證券投資顧問股份有限公司,以及安睿宏觀保險經紀人股份有限公司。 在營業證照齊備、專業人才充沛,完整保障消費者權益的架構下,滿足客戶多元的理財需求。 安睿宏觀是由「安睿」和「宏觀」兩個團隊結合而成,兩個團隊分別由在理財規劃領域長期奉獻心力的劉凱平先生和邱正弘先生所創設,各自在國際市場先進技術的引進,以及本土市場長期深耕的經驗上,有著厚實的功力積累。 兩位創辦人基於對理財規劃事業的熱誠和理想相同,決定結合雙方團隊各自的經驗和專長,成立安睿宏觀理財規劃顧問平台,攜手開創理財規劃領域的一片天。 安睿宏觀的主要股東是Azimut集團。 Azimut專長於投資管理業務,總部設於米蘭,並在義大利證券交易所上市。 Azimut現時是STOXX歐洲600指數以及FTSE義大利證交所指數的成分股,是歐洲最具成長性和代表性的金融服務業者之一,事業版圖遍及全球,管理資產規模超過500億歐元。