EVA Dimensions is the global leader in applying EVA, or economic value added, a measure of true economic profit. EVA is the best way to measure a company's true profit performance and simulate the value of business decisions.As a result of innovations by EVA Dimensions, EVA is now in the form of a comprehensive ratio analysis framework linked to familiar operating and strategic levers. It's also fully automated with a suite of proprietary software tools that connect to a global file of EVA metrics covering 20,000 global tickers. Our clients use our software for monitoring, analyzing and benchmarking performance, for setting goals, for grading and improving business plan value, even pricing acquisitions.EVA has been connected to TSR -- total shareholder return -- especially with the advent of the Corporate Performance Index (CPI), a score of financial excellence based on 4 key EVA health tests. Access to CPI scores and underlying EVA metrics are available for free at http://pub.evadimensions.com/cpiexpress.We enable business managers to improve performance and enhance value by licensing the software tools and providing the training and support needed to bring the latest EVA techniques in houseThrough our equity research service, we help senior institutional fund managers at many of the largest and most important investment houses to enhance portfolio returns and manage risk with the insights that EVA offers. We also help PE firms to monitor and improve the value of their portfolio companies, commercial bankers to use EVA in credit analysis, business development, and financial advisory, and consultants to enhance the strategic insights they render to their clients with a clear link to value.