SUCCESS SAFETY CONSULTANCY (SSC) is a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) accredited "WSH Auditing Organisation" and Workplace Safety Council (WSHC) approved CultureSAFE Consultant Organisation (CSOC) with approved CultureSAFE Consultant (CSC) and auditors. We are committed in our responsibility to bring innovation and feasible safety, health and environmental solution for our client's needs and assist them to implement the solution so that improve client's productivity.Success Safety Consultancy offers Safety, Health, Environment and wellbeing consultancy work, CultureSAFE programme, Auditing, Outsourcing of Qualified Safety professionals and other safety related services.We specialize In;- Auditing BizSafe Audit CultureSafe Consultancy & Audit OHSAS 18001 Audit ISO 45001 Audit ISO 9001 Audit ISO 14001 Audit conSASS Audit- Consultancy□ cultureSAFE □ OHSAS 18001□ ISO 45001 □ ISO 9001□ ISO 14001- Outsourcing□ WSH Officer□ Environmental Control Officer□ WSH Manager□ Fire Safety manager□ WSH Coordinator□ Confined Space Safety Assessor□ Working at Height Assessor/manager- Training□ ISO standards internal Auditor Training