The Allentown Rescue Mission's goal for each man is self-sufficiency. Its programs aim to end homelessness one person at a time and in some cases, preventing it.The programs include emergency shelter, life skills and job training programs for homeless men. More than 700 men seek assistance each year and are served by Mission programs. The Gateway Center serves as the Mission's emergency shelter. It houses 48 beds for homeless men and is open from 5:20 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. There is a 15-day limit on emergency housing to encourage clients to seek employment and strive for self sufficiency.The Gateway Center provides opportunities to enter the Mission's long-term programs to help resolve the problems causing homelessness. The Gateway Center offers free meals, personal care items, beds, shower facilities, referrals and placements with Mission programs and community resources, and chapel services.The Christian Living & Values Program is a Christ-centered residential program with 8-weeks of life skills education classes, assisting with spiritual growth, emotional/recovery support, employment assistance and money management instruction. Each participant has an assigned case manager to assist and coach him in accessing services from outside providers as needed.The Clean Team is a job training program, teaching men transferable work skills to help them become more valuable employees. The Mission also has reduced-rent apartments available for successful graduates of its programs.