Teaching and Research Assistant at Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac - Kragujevac, , Serbia
Faculty of Science in Kragujevac was established as the Department of the Faculty of Science in Belgrade on 16th of October 1972. That year the first generation of mathematics, biology, and physics students was enrolled, and the Department officially started working on 23rd of October 1976. One year later academic Group of Chemistry was founded. On 15th of April 1976 the Department evolved into an independent faculty which together with five other faculties and two research institutes became a co-founder of University ‘Svetozar Marković' - today's University of Kragujevac.The vital activities of the Faculty include: teaching activities, scientific research and development of natural sciences and mathematics comprising similar and inerdisciplinary sciences, as well as publishing activities. The Faculty of Science also provides some consulting and enviromental protection services by which it commercializes the results of its scientific research but without endangering the quality of teaching and other basic activites. Our teaching and research is delivered via: Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Biology and Ecology, Department of Physics and Chair of Education Subjects. In the scope of the above mentioned organisational units, or as a form of interdisciplinary research and cooperation, unique organisational sectons have been established: Centre for Environmental Protection, Centre for Permanent Education, Centre for Fishery and Conservation of Land Waters Biodiversity - Aquarium, Botanical Garden, Centre for Radiation and Chemical Mutagenesis and Antioxidant Protection, Centre for Pre-clinical Testing of Active Substances, Centre for Computer-based Modelling and Optimization (CERAMO).