We create excellent OTT product and provide high-quality, legal content in HD and 4K to millions of users worldwide. VAN's focus is to promote world-best movies, animation, TV-shows and channels. The company was founded in 2014. The main office is located in Bratislava, Slovakia. Our team includes professionals from all over Europe working in IT, marketing, business development, distribution, etc.We are proud of our products and partnerships with Disney, Universal, Warner Bros., Paramount, Sony, CBS, LG, Samsung and other well-known international companies.One of VAN Group's successful brands is SWEET.TV. It's one of the most technologically advanced OTT-platforms providing subscribers with TV-channels and VOD. The streaming service has a user-friendly interface, stable uninterrupted work with unstable or minimal internet, great recommendation system and other features.We encourage creativity and new ideas. Every proposition matters and will be discussed in our team. If it helps to make our products better, we will definitely implement it. In this way we keep the creative startup atmosphere and get inspiration for new projects. Our team is developing together with the service, new areas of work are emerging and that is why we are looking for open-minded, ambitious specialists. We support sports and regularly spend time with the team outside the office.