Welcome on our web site, welcome in the world of beautiful things…Montenegro is a company with private capital, with headquarters is in Gostivar. The company is functioning successful on the Macedonian market over 25 years. The company is founded in 1963 , like small food production factory with headquarters in Republic of Montenegro (and from there is the name of the company MONTENEGRO)Our prime activity is treading with luxury Italian furniture and is general and exclusive importer on several Italian furniture producers, and with that is offering equipping and decorating to interiors from different character: private houms, offices, coffee shops, restaurants, hotels…ARAN, NEWFORM, CALIA ITALIA, CHATEAU D'AX, ALPA SALOTTI, TONIN CASA, BONTEMPI CASA, TOMASELLA, ALF DA FRE, TONON, NOVAMOBILI, SEDIT, GRUPPO HOMES, MARCHETTI, NOVAMOBILI give their confidence to us and they chouse us for their reprezentive on Macedonian market. CHECK WHY,COME AND VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS IN SKOPJE AND GOSTIVAR.