éå® at 四川省自贡运输机械集团股份有限公司Sichuan Zigong Conveying Machine Group Co., Ltd - Zi Gong Shi, Si Chuan Sheng, China
我公司四川省自贡运输机械集团股份有限公司, 国内物料输送设备知名厂家,中国重型机械工业协会理事单位,重机协会带式输送机分会副理事长单位, 系中国输送机械研发、设计、制造领军企业之一,国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,中国西部地区最大的输送机械研发、设计、制造商。 主要产品有通用带式输送机、管状带式输送机、曲线带式输送机、斗式提升机、螺旋输送机、驱动装置、逆止装置等,年产各类带式输送机15万米,产品涉及领域广泛,如电力、钢铁、煤炭、矿山、交通、水利、化工、冶金、石油、建材等,并出口美国、俄罗斯、巴基斯坦、印尼、老挝、越南、马来西亚、缅甸等国家,取得了卓越的业绩,中国重机协会统计显示,2010年以来自贡运机均保持在全国带式输送机行业排名前一到前三地位。自主知识产权的管状带式输送机和野外长距离曲线带式输送机,在输送机行业中处于领先地位,国内市场占有率超过50%,并创造了3项"中国第一"、1项"亚洲第一"、1项"世界第一"。 以国际领先技术,致力于为广大客户提供可靠、稳定的物料输送解决方案! We Sichuan Zigong Conveying Machine Group Co., Ltd is the well-known bulk material conveying machine manufacturer in China. We are the director of China Heavy-Duty Mechanical Industry Association, vice-director of Belt Conveyor Branch of Heavy-Duty Machinery Association, National Hi-Tech enterprise and the largest conveyor manufacturer in research&development, engineering and fabrication in the West of China. With 1.5 billion total assests, 185000m2 covering area, we have more than 60 years experience and 250000m annual manufacturing capability conveyors. Our products mainly cover belt conveyor, pipe conveyor, long curved overland conveyor, drive unit and holdback unit. According to China Heavy Machinery Industry Association survey, ZGCMC keeps top 1 to top 3 in the conveying machine field in China since year of 2010. Pipe conveyor and long curved overland belt conveyor with independent intellectual property are leading in the conveyor industry with market share of 50% in China. We have achieved three"China No.1", one "Asia No.1" and one "World No.1". We are sure you will get prompt attention for your question.we are focusing on providing the optimized technical solution and supplying reliable and high quality products for bulk material conveying system. Contact us:Mob:+86 18708368385Tel: +86(0) 813 8233779Fax:+86(0) 813 8236317Email: wangjuan_crystal@163.comAdd: No.3 Fuchuan Road, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, P.R.Chinahttp://www.zgcmc.com