When we use the term 'corporate gifting', you instantly think of pens and diaries but no, that's not what we do. We at Out Of The Gift Box help you curate gift hampers for any occasion, primarily catering to brands to target influencers. Western culture has done everything it can to take the human element out of business, but we still crave personal connections. The right gift can bring that back to the table and get an influencer interested. The term 'influencer marketing' is a relatively new term and there are so many reasons why you should incorporate influencer marketing and allocate a budget for it in your marketing strategy.These guys might not have staffs of thousands, but they're the people with tribes, and their followers are loyal. These guys have influence that stretches way beyond those small circles. When they talk, people listen. Maintaining good relationships with them means being connected to all of their followers.How do you do that?With well chosen and well presented gifts.And that's what we do for you, we help you put together that perfect and a thoughtful gift for your influencers. Be it a product launch, new variant launch, festive season or simply a reminder advertising, sending a gift always helps because who doesn't like receiving gifts?! "A brand is no longer what we tell the consumers it is- it is what consumers tell each other it is."