Mikrografija je svetovalno in razvojno usmerjeno podjetje, ki ponuja celovite rešitve in storitve naravnane k informatizaciji poslovnih procesov in rešitve za elektronsko hrambo ter obvladovanje dokumentov znotraj procesov. Družba se torej ukvarja s procesi za brezpapirno poslovanje na eni strani, na drugi strani pa nudimo tudi možnost fizične hrambe dokumentacije, masovno digitalizacijo in zajem podatkov iz različnih vrst dokumentov ter nakup strojne in programske opreme za skeniranje.Mikrografija is a consulting and development oriented company. We offer comprehensive solutions and services that are oriented towards the informatization of business processes, as well as solutions for electronic storage and document management. The company deals with paperless processes on the one hand, and on the other hand we offer the possibility of physical storage of documentation, mass digitization and data acquisition from different types of documents, as well as the purchase of hardware and software for scanning.