We supply a variety of UN Certified Packaging for DangerousGoods for Packing Groups I, II, and III( both single andcombination ) and Infectious and Biological SubstancesCategories A and B respectively.We provide both a collection and distribution service withour own monitored vehicles to and from any laboratorylocated anywhere in Brazil and the Mercosur.For Freight Forwarders and Couriers from other countrieswe offer customs clearance and delivery of material sentanywhere in Brazil.All IMER's vehicles have temperature control in allcompartments.Temperature Monitoring for: Freeze -22°C,Refrigerated 2°C / 8°C,Ambient 18°C / 22°C, etc.Satellite control of IMER vehicles 24 hours X 7 days a week.Temperature monitoring for all consignment pieces.One single contact call center for ordering, collection,transport and dry ice recharging operating24 hours X 7 days a week, in any place of Brazil.