Soe Lay

HR Assistant at Myanmar ComBiz Group - Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar

Soe Lay's Contact Details
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Myanmar ComBiz Group
Soe Lay's Company Details
Myanmar ComBiz Group logo, Myanmar ComBiz Group contact details

Myanmar ComBiz Group

Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar • 51 - 200 Employees
Investment Management

MYANMAR COMBIZ (GROUP) CO.,LTD.Myanmar Combiz Company was founded in 2005, which is owned by Myanmar nationalentrepreneurs, through our initial business foundations like Information Technology andCommunication Business, followed by Trading Business which providing Agricultural Products likeRice and Paddy to Middle East, Africa and Asian Countries.Afterwards, expanding business into Petroleum Products Trading and Distribution andimporting Vehicles, Machineries, Construction Material and also Edible Palm Oil in Myanmar. EinMon Construction Co Ltd, which is undertaking the construction Business under the NationalInfrastructure Development Project as well as for Private Sectors like Real Estate and PropertyDevelopment. In the year of 2007, we established our Myanmar ComBiz Travels and Tourscompany which now operating for Both Inbound and Outbound Tours and arranging as an eventorganizer.We are very much involving in Myanmar Computer Industry Association and YangonComputer Industry Association as a member to organize the training, various seminars andactivities to develop the ICT sector nationwide.Since Information and Technology sector is a key to success for every developingcountries, we actively involve as a BOD member in Myanmar Technologies and InvestmentCorporation (MTI) the public company to carry out the fundamental requirement oftelecommunication sectors like courier service, Telecom and e-government services, etc.

Details about Myanmar ComBiz Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Soe Lay
Soe Lay currently works for Myanmar ComBiz Group.
Soe Lay's role at Myanmar ComBiz Group is HR Assistant.
Soe Lay's email address is *** To view Soe Lay's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Soe Lay works in the Investment Management industry.
Soe Lay's colleagues at Myanmar ComBiz Group are Aungthet Sweoo, Hay Mar, Aung Tha, Thin Nwe, May Nge, Thiha Kyawaung and others.
Soe Lay's phone number is ["856205961567","60374923333","5131106260"]
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