Changing the narrative for Women in Business in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) sub-region will remain a dream until the womenfolk take their rightful place of leadership in various sectors of the economy.Changing the narrative for Women in Business in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) sub-region will remain a dream until the womenfolk take their rightful place of leadership in various sectors of the economy. Women must come out of their cocoons to contribute to nation-building by working side-by-side with their male colleagues to achieve strategic goals. This assertion holds in Africa as it does in every other part of the world (read otherwise, Finland – where women are at the forefront of political and economic leadership).The participation of women in business has helped, is helping, and will further improve their social and economic status, which is vital to driving the economy of Africa as a whole. It is a self-preservation measure, to put it mildly! To achieve such necessary inclusion, going forward, the SADC Gender and Development Protocol (G&D Protocol) comes in handy. This protocol has become a driving force to ensure that both regional and international commitments to achieve gender equality among member nations are in place.