Sofia Lund

Freight Forwarder at Toten Transport AS - Raufoss, Raufoss, No

Sofia Lund's Contact Details
Toten Transport AS
Sofia Lund's Company Details
Toten Transport AS logo, Toten Transport AS contact details

Toten Transport AS

Raufoss, Raufoss, No • 100 - 249 Employees

Toten Transport AS was established in 1975 as an co-operative society consisting of 12 truck owners. The company was formed mainly on the basis of transportation for the Raufoss Industrial Area, which is still our largest group of customers.The main office is located in Raufoss from where transport. We also have a branch in Brumunddal, which strengthens our position in the interior eastern area of Norway. Toten Transport is also situated in Oslo, Toten Transport Oslo AS.In march 2002 a new company, Multisped AS, was formed in which Toten Transport A/L has a majority holding of 60%. The company's main role is to plan all export and import shipments from Raufoss Industrial Park.That year, a subsidiary was established in Skultuna, Sweden, Toten Transport AB whose main role is to serve Hydro Automotive's production facility in Skultuna.In October 2003 Toten Transport AS increased its share holding in Gods & Bil AS so that our ownership of the company has increased to 100%. This new acquisition considerably strengthens our position in the Norwegian transportation market.Toten Transport AS has expanded in line with an increase in transportation jobs and a continually growing customer base and is today one of Norway's largest transport companies. The last company in Toten Group is Vestlogistikk AS in Bergen.

Details about Toten Transport AS
Frequently Asked Questions about Sofia Lund
Sofia Lund currently works for Toten Transport AS.
Sofia Lund's role at Toten Transport AS is Freight Forwarder.
Sofia Lund's email address is *** To view Sofia Lund's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sofia Lund works in the Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.
Sofia Lund's colleagues at Toten Transport AS are Ann Hagen, Finn Martinsen, Lars Holter, Hilde Dahlen, Ivar Hagen, Morten Skjolddal, Robert Wold and others.
Sofia Lund's phone number is N/A
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