There's mind. And there's body. A "rhythm" is required to maintain a happy co-ordination between the two. At "Healing Rhyyithm" our core attempt is to help people attune with this rhythm of life. By improving their mind-body coordination, concentration, body image and self image, just to name a few.Based on the relation between dance movement and therapy, Healing Rhyyithm helps participants develop "rhythm" as an integral part of their everyday life. Our motto is to help people know their inner self and to set everything in and around them follow a rhythm.Everything around us follows a rhythm. It is only when we cut chords that life goes off balance and we end up with stress, anxiety, depression. Healing Rhyyithm is unique in its multi-dimensional approach as it works on both the non- verbal (93%) and verbal (7%) aspects of communication while using NLP(Neuro-linguistic- Programming) as a diagnostic tool and DMT(Dance Movement Therapy) as the intervention.Moreover, inclusive of counselling, it uses a personal approach as it provides customized care while taking account of an individual's psychological state. Through individual and group activity Healing Rhyyithm creates a safe non-judgmental environment for the participants where they can express and release their pent up emotions and feelings without hesitation.