Web Developer at Bíos - Recursos Humanos - , Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Bios is a young Consultancy Firm. We come with the clear aim of providing personalized services in HR Soft Areas. We are distinguished, among other things, being a Boutique Company, which particularize the answers, providing creativity and innovation to generate the best results and encouraging the growth of the Organization and People within it. We also collaborate with the Millennium Globalized age, seeking necessary mind and behavioral changes.definitionBios (gr): Life, linked to meaningful life, to the contemplative life, human life ordered according to certain values. Understood as a way-of-life, not life as mere existence (ζωή).considerBios as ChangeBios as AdaptationBios as BalanceBios as GrowthBios as DevelopmentBios as ExperienceBios as Life.We focus on providing the following services:- Recruiting- Executive Search and Headhunting- Training- Senior Executive Coaching- Outplacement- Young Professional Programs - Outdoors Experiences - Psychotechnical tests and Assessment CenterBíos works with a methodology 2.0. We are convinced that the work of co-construction of value and definition of form and content with the Customer (and Customers customer or final consumer) is the one that best meets the needs of a global and collaborative society.Author´s Consultancy is what we do in Bíos. We only deliver originally design Services.