Baby’s Dream Furniture is a family owned company headquartered in Buena Vista, GA. We have manufactured high quality nursery furniture since the early 1990’s. Our commitment to safety, quality, design, and value has led us to be the first in the industry to manufacture the convertible crib. Unlike the “Energizer Bunny” that “keeps going and going and going and..”, most cribs sold today stop being of any use by the time the baby is around 2 years old, or until he/she can climb out of it. Our convertible cribs are made to last for years to come, providing an economical lifetime purchase for parents to be. Baby’s Dream continually researches the needs and desires of new parents. With this research, we have been able to develop and enhance our products to fit our customers’ needs. From stationary convertible cribs to the patented saftey-gate cribs and unique case pieces, Baby’s Dream Furniture offers only the best in baby furniture.