Sonakshi Kalra

Manager at Global Professional Success (GPS) - Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sonakshi Kalra's Colleagues at Global Professional Success (GPS)
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United Arab Emirates
Global Professional Success (GPS)
Sonakshi Kalra's Company Details

Global Professional Success (GPS)

Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates • 2 Employees
Education Management

Global Professional Success is a platform that provides a bevy of management and educational courses that ensures that you have efficiency in climbing the stairs of success as well as it provides leadership courses that makes confirms that the ladder of success is leaning against the right wall. We have a team of highly qualified professionals that are the best in their respective fields to guide you and provide you the training that one would need to accomplish one's goals in this ever challenging competitive world. We are experts in improving the success of professionals at all levels be it in Multinational Corporations or Small to medium Businesses. We also provide training at educational institutes and GPS hold a remarkable track record of successful training courses held in UAE. We aim to deliver the most appropriate training that is in sync with the ever-changing workplace conditions which meets the demands of professionals and students all over the globe.

Details about Global Professional Success (GPS)
Frequently Asked Questions about Sonakshi Kalra
Sonakshi Kalra currently works for Global Professional Success (GPS).
Sonakshi Kalra's role at Global Professional Success (GPS) is Manager.
Sonakshi Kalra's email address is *** To view Sonakshi Kalra's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sonakshi Kalra works in the Education Management industry.
Sonakshi Kalra's colleagues at Global Professional Success (GPS) are and others.
Sonakshi Kalra's phone number is
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