WIXALIA, OPERATOR & IT INTEGRATORAs a partner of your connectivity, we bring a overall approach of it : from internet connection to IoT.We are your single point of contact for all your needs, and we provide turnkey and evolutive solutions.*Our missionConnect companies to digital innovation and get them ready for IA.More than a simple infrastructure supplier, we support you from experimentation to the industrialization of your new services, with the agility of a specialized organization on a human scale.*Expertise fieldHIGH SPEED INTERNETSECURED NETWORKSWORKPLACEIoT & CONNECTED SERVICESVIDEOPROTECTION & ACCESS CONTROL*Who are we?Facing the challenges of digitalization of businesses, and given the importance of wifi and powerful connectivity in most of the projects, the Wixalia brand was born in 2018 to position itself as a specialist in connectivity.This company is the heir to the expertise of companies from Axeltim (formerly know as Tmm Group), an accelerator of businesses and innovative projects in e-health. But actually, our team has been deploying and operating connectivity and mobility solutions for over 15 years.