For last few decades The New industrial research and development focuses to provide comfortable living to humanity, in result it's also evolved with environmental challenges and health issues, hence the outdoor & indoor pollution is breeding todays lethal diseases and epidemics which takes thousand lives every year until discover and medicine for cure goes for mass production.Now many scientist and engineers are trying their best to provide safe environment around us when we are outside. While to keep the indoor air quality at its best that is the most vulnerable place to contribute viral infection and illness. While wastage of energy due to inefficient system design, installation mistake. Wrong interpretation of engineering standard, engineering malpractices and unnecessary cost saving by less qualified architects, engineers, Installation workers, and commissioning personals, unprofessional ethics which early prone to wastage of natural wealth of the world.Therefore, Shan International realize the market need of certified professional firm who can render certified third-party services to achieve highest indoor air quality services, as define by ISO, WHO, CDC, EPA, ASHRAE, JCI, OSHA, NEBB, and other international and local bodies who setup the norms and standards.As NEBB procedural Standards Call for a procedural finding out of discrepancies, Short comings of System Design and application of an Installed system. Get it rectified, put it in operation in according to design intent or at optimum operating condition, in order to achieve energy efficient HVAC or whole MEP System which matches the ASHRAE DEFINE Indoor Air Quality Standards.