Sachdevs is one of Coventry's oldest firm of Chartered Accountants. We provide the highest quality of service is accounts preparation, taxation, VAT, financial services, business advisory, payroll, bookkeeping, wealth management, financing and mortgages, life insurance, pensions and investments.Although our roots lie deep in the West Midlands, our skills and expertise areemployed by businesses and individuals locally, nationally and internationally.Formed in 1972 by its founder Prem Sachdev, the firm helped local traders and businessmen in their bookkeeping, VAT and accounts. Fourteen years later in 1986, the founder's eldest son Ripan took over a firm which was performing audits, preparing financial statements and carrying out taxation services for small companies.2006 saw Ripan's eldest son, Arun join the firm which now has over four hundred clients ranging from local businessmen and landlords to multi-million pound national companies and UK based subsidiaries of some of the biggest companies in the world.Sachdevs are a member firm of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, a world leader in the accountancy and finance profession.From humble beginnings in the early seventies, the key services which we offer have not changed and with nearly forty years of experience, fewer do it better.