Operations Chief of Logistics and Land Cultivation
The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General is an independent, objective agency that was created by the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. We promote the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of DoD programs, and the integrity of its workforce and operations, through impactful audits, evaluations, investigations, and reviews. We employ over 1600 personnel from diverse backgrounds. In addition to our headquarters in Alexandria, VA, we maintain field offices located throughout the world. Our official LinkedIn page is managed by our Office of Legislative Affairs and Communications. We encourage followers to quote, republish, or share any content on this page to their own blog, website, or other communication. While this is an open forum, comments and posts that do not follow our Terms of Participation will be removed. Terms of Participation - We prohibit vulgar, obscene, or indecent comments. We also prohibit comments that are discriminatory, abusive, hateful, or intended to belittle or denigrate anyone or any organization. - We prohibit solicitations or advertisements, including the promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial, or non-federal entity. Similarly, we prohibit attempts to defame any financial, commercial, or non-federal entity. - We prohibit comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity. - We prohibit unsolicited mass communications. Such will be removed and may cause the author(s) to be blocked from the page without notice. - You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username, and any information you provide. - Controlled unclassified information (CUI), classified, pre‐decisional, proprietary, or business sensitive information should never be discussed here. Don't post personnel lists, rosters, organization charts or directories. - The appearance of external links on this page does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of the DoD OIG or the DoD.