Soon Yeo

Process Engineer at Heptagon Advanced Micro Optics (please use Heptagon) - , ,

Soon Yeo's Contact Details
Heptagon Advanced Micro Optics (please use Heptagon)
Soon Yeo's Company Details
Heptagon Advanced Micro Optics (please use Heptagon) logo, Heptagon Advanced Micro Optics (please use Heptagon) contact details

Heptagon Advanced Micro Optics (please use Heptagon)

, , • 11 - 50 Employees

Heptagon provides complete, simple and seamless 3D imaging, illumination, sensing, and connectivity solutions powering the Interface of Things™ and Mobile Innovation. We enable new and unique ways for people to interact and interface with a smart connected world. With over 2 billion units shipped and 20 years of industry firsts in miniaturizing and integrating complex optical, mechanical, electrical, wireless and software systems, Heptagon has industry leading technology and services to enhance our customer's competitiveness. Backed by world-class investors, Heptagon is a global company with research and development, sales and customer services teams located in Singapore, Switzerland, Silicon Valley and Hermosa Beach USA, Taiwan and China.

Details about Heptagon Advanced Micro Optics (please use Heptagon)
Frequently Asked Questions about Soon Yeo
Soon Yeo currently works for Heptagon.
Soon Yeo's role at Heptagon is Process Engineer.
Soon Yeo's email address is *** To view Soon Yeo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Soon Yeo works in the Electrical/electronic Manufacturing industry.
Soon Yeo's colleagues at Heptagon Advanced Micro Optics (please use Heptagon) are Yitchee Chiang, Kannan Varnakulasingam, Yoji Amashiro, Zheng Jingang, Kim Tey, Marko Tesanovic, Kema Devi and others.
Soon Yeo's phone number is
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