Children's Future International serves resource-poor and vulnerable children in Cambodia through access to quality education, child well-being, and community development programs. Children's Future International's mission is to foster a generation of educated, self-reliant and compassionate role models for Cambodia, by promoting child rights and offering 21st century education and opportunities to the most vulnerable children in rural Cambodia. Children's Future envisions a future where every Cambodian child is safe, healthy, educated and thriving. A few of Children's Future International's outcomes: • Children's Future International prevents and responds to cases of forced migration and labor, underage sex work, domestic violence, neglect, and human trafficking • Over 250 students regularly attend public or private schools and have access to the support they need to succeed in school • All Children's Future International students regularly learn, grow, play, and thrive at the Learning Center through innovative education programs and enrichment activities • All Children's Future International students secure employment, apprenticeships, or internships within six months of graduation • The majority of Children's Future International's staff positions are held by native Cambodians, and all staff receive regular professional development trainings Visit to learn more about Children's Future International's comprehensive programs that are breaking the cycle of poverty in Cambodia and giving students opportunities to become the country's next generation of leaders and professionals.