Associate Minister, After - School Program Director at LENOX ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH - BROOKLYN, NY, US
Lenox Road Baptist Church exists to make disciples, followers of Jesus Christ who are committed to one another and are sent to serve the world. We seek to reach people, welcoming them into our fellowship and introducing them to faith in Christ; we work to help them grow in personal discipleship and we send them to ministry and leadership.It is our vision to create a congregation; whereby excellence is the standard. We seek to create an environment where we can discover how to nurture relationships through our commitment to listen, learn, offer service, provide bonds of concern and genuine commitment to one another.It is our vision to grow into a healthy church family – loving, learning, laughing and living in harmony. We seek to be a church where our ministries are geared to fulfill the great commission – to make disciples.It is our vision to engage in missions where the church is involved in educational, social, and health ministries and provide prayer and financial support to sustain a regional and worldwide outreach.It is our vision to develop people to spiritual maturity, through worship, bible study, pastoral care, prayers, seminars, cultural enrichment, retreats, sports, personal or family counseling. It is our vision that our members will spend daily time with God, attend Sunday school, tithe regularly, participate in small groups, live holy and grow in faith. We will care for each other through love, prayer, encouragement, and accountability.