National Compliance and Risk Qualifications - NCRQ - has been established by a number of leading experts in health and safety. This includes representatives of some of the UK's largest employers, including the BBC, Royal Mail, Siemens plc, and local authorities, specialists from the Health and Safety Executive, legal experts, and academics.NCRQ was formed to improve the competence of health and safety practitioners - focusing on the knowledge and skills required to actually supervise or manage employees in a safe manner, to manage the health and safety of an organisation, or to provide assurance of a competent consultant.Employers require safety practitioners that can effectively manage health and safety; not necessarily those that can answer exam questions that recite safety knowledge. An effective safety practitioner is one that can apply legal duties to any workplace scenario from basic principles, can independently undertake research on topics beyond their knowledge, can confidently determine suitable and sufficient risk control measures that are sensible and proportionate to the risks, and can then justify any additional costs to senior management. The NCRQ suite of safety qualifications provides assurance that an individual has these skills.