Metalogue is a team of Organisational Development consultants with deep experience and expertise in: • Organisation Design• Culture Change• Senior Team Effectiveness• Strategy Engagement We have a reputation for our work in developing the capability of leaders, changeagents and consultants We're progressive thinkers, constantly developing new approaches. Our methods are always tailored to the needs of specific clients. In our consulting work we help you to have the critical conversations that are needed to explore possibilities, overcome difficulties, and realise opportunities. A dialogic view on organisation At Metalogue we believe that conversation is the key to better business. This is because organisations are made up of people with skills and ideas, with opinions and insecurities; people with relationships and personal needs that go beyond anything that's ever been written on an organisation chart. We are interested in people, in patterns and in processes – especially social ones. We listen, we talk. We tell you what we've heard and what we think. We give you the opportunity to think differently. We've spent plenty of time studying the social sciences to get to grips with what really happens when groups of people get together to achieve a common aim. This means we can draw confidently from many fields — ecology, anthropology, relational psychology and sociology — to devise the right intervention to help your organisation. We think and behave differently from many in our industry. We don't side-step thorny political issues. We don't devise a ‘solution' and leave you to implement it. But we do have an interest in outcomes and learning: yours and ours.