West70 manages an absolute return fund for institutional investors with a focus on relative value strategies in equity derivatives markets, primarily in the U.S. but also in other developed countries. These strategies seek both long and short volatility opportunities across equity indexes and individual stocks. West70 operates as a business unit of PAAMCO Prisma and launched in February 2018, with its team having previously run the strategy for a number of years at Harvard Management Company ("HMC").The West70 team employs a research, analytics, and data-driven investment process. The team has invested significant amount of time and resources over the last seven years to develop in-house analytics and systems, complemented by curated data sets to screen for opportunities in derivatives markets across hundreds of stocks and equity indexes, analyze what they believe to be promising trade ideas, and manage portfolio risk. Among other things, the team has deployed machine learning techniques and collaborated with specialists in the field to create tools to better understand equity and equity derivatives markets. The investment team has worked together for more than a decade at Deutsche Bank, HMC, and West70. The team has combined experience of more than 40 years in markets with a strong focus on derivatives, relative value strategies, and an analytical, process-oriented approach to investing.