Founded in 1993, BRIT is a pioneer of modern imaging solutionsfor healthcare enterprises. We offer a single-image cloud solutionthat drives reliability, efficiency and flexibility across your entireenterprise ecosystem, helping your facilities thrive in avolatile market.Our cloud-based solution is built on today's most moderntechnologies, offering comprehensive hospital-system integrationcapabilities for image management. This single cloud-basedintegration eliminates the clutter and confusion that oftenaccompany multiple integrations. Because the solution is cloud-based,the web-based image viewer does not require a separateworkstation and is accessible across any device.We customize our solutions to your needs, giving you the optionto purchase one or multiple modules now with additional modulesmade available to you with the flip of a switch, requiring noimplementation time.Our suite of products leverages modern technologies and toolsthat empower our customers to ensure high-quality patient care.With prefabricated reports built into the system and custom reportsavailable upon request, our Reporting & Intelligence module givesyou the insight necessary to identify roadblocks and chokepoints andimprove performance and deliver the optimal patient experience.