Getting your clients to provide detailed feedback for your work is one of the biggest issues for web agencies.Atarim is an intuitive and responsive platform that will allow your clients to simply click an item on their own website and comment on it. While collecting the technical information, priority and status.Giving you the perfect amount of details you need so you can perform revisions, collect content and provide support in a jiffy.Instead of using spreadsheets, countless emails, phone calls or even the costly advanced prototype, feedback and support tools found on the market; Atarim will allow your client to simply click a section of their website and make a request.They can add the priority, the urgency, include a screenshot and write the request.Not only that though, but the plugin will also bind the request to the div the client chose and will automatically collect the browser type, screen size and other technical information, meaning you can stop guessing the exact scenario where the issue or request occurred.