Sovannreach Um

Digital Content Specialist at Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.) at Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.) - , ,

Sovannreach Um's Contact Details
Phnom Penh,Phnom Penh,Cambodia
Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.)
Sovannreach Um's Company Details
Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.) logo, Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.) contact details

Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.)

, , • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Cellcard is a Cambodian-owned and operated mobile telecommunications operator, a category pioneer with over 20 years of service, and currently one of the biggest operators in the Kingdom.The company's commitment to providing access to mobile technology and connectivity to all Cambodians has led to a long history of firsts, including nationwide coverage and prepaid services (1998), SMS and roaming services (2001), 3G network and streaming services (2005), the first credit sharing platform (2006), the first mobile payment platform (2010), and the first and biggest rewards program (2013). Over the years Cellcard has become the standard for quality, value and customer service. Cellcard is currently the Ookla Speed Test Award title holder (2017) and is also recognised by OpenSignal (2018) as (1) Cambodia's Fastest 4G Network, and (2) Cambodia's Fastest Overall Network. The current network program is focused on delivering Pre5G with ZTE, building the bridge between 4G and 5G.Since Cellcard launched its 4G network and the generous data offers, the Kingdom has experienced a 36% growth in mobile data subscribers (The Role of Mobile Telecoms in Transforming Cambodia 2017). The report suggests the growth could have contributed up to 2.87% uplift in GDP, translating to US 609,588,000.As a Cambodian owned telecommunications company, Cellcard remains committed to servicing Cambodia and its people, making mobile services accessible and affordable to everyone, and making significant contributions to the country's economic growth.Cellcard is a trademark of CamGSM Co. Ltd, a corporation duly established in 1996 as a joint venture between the Luxembourg-based Millicom International Cellular S.A. (61.5%) and Cambodia's Royal Group of Companies (38.5%). Complete ownership was acquired by the Royal Group of Companies on November 2009.Today, Cellcard remains to be the only Cambodian-owned mobile network in the Kingdom.

Details about Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.)
Frequently Asked Questions about Sovannreach Um
Sovannreach Um currently works for Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.).
Sovannreach Um's role at Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.) is Digital Content Specialist at Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.).
Sovannreach Um's email address is *** To view Sovannreach Um's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sovannreach Um works in the Telecommunications industry.
Sovannreach Um's colleagues at Cellcard (CamGSM Co. Ltd.) are Chandaneth Thoeun, Chanthorn Son, Sovath Keo, Navuth Phon, Song Kaing, Son Hour, Chhesv Pros and others.
Sovannreach Um's phone number is N/A
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