Menchville House, a 501(c) 3 organization, is an emergency housing facility for homeless women and their children. Located in the Denbigh area of Newport News on Warwick Blvd, this forty six-bed facility offers shelter and supportive services for women and their children up to the age of 18. The agency works with other homeless service providers and social service agencies that offer families the services and support needed to return to self-sufficiency. We accept homeless women and their children as residents for up to 6 months. Menchville House started in April 1998 as the vision of three women to establish a shelter for homeless women and their children. The concept of healing hurting women and their children was brought to reality in an old, run-down, 18-unit apartment building. The community immediately pitched in to remodel the building into a group home. The first homeless woman and her child moved into a transitional apartment at the shelter in April 2001. Since then, 1000 women and their children have moved from hurt to hope to become healthy, independent and contributing members of their communities.